Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 2

Pepper the cat went in for surgery today.  Rachel said she is doing well.  I will miss her attacking my face tonight. It seems that she thinks the breathing machine I have to wear at night is tiring to eat me.  Guess that means she does like me for more than just a scratching post.

Nothing really exciting happening today at work.  I am programming a the new web application - PG Navigator.  It is coming along very nicely and should meet everyone's expectations.

Now going on to the Sleep apnea portion of this post.  Last night was better.  I did not go to sleep until about 12:00 which was a major mistake since I wake up at 5:30 to make it into work.  I only remember waking up about three times last night.  It did hit me on the way to work that each time I woke up the machine was really pushing air into me which meant that I was not breathing.  To think that I have been doing this every night for who knows how long.  The doctor said that I stop breathing around 35 times an hour, heart rate spikes to 150 bpm and my oxygen levels fall to around 70%.  And here I thought that sleeping was my biggest  helper.  WRONG!!  If you are wondering why I had the sleep study done, my wife was very concerned for my heath because of the noise I made while sleeping.  Here is a check list that the doc gave me and I pretty much Aced it if you want to look at it that way.

Major signs and symptoms of sleep apnea
  • Loud and chronic snoring (Check)
  • Choking, snorting, or gasping during sleep    (Check)
  • Long pauses in breathing   (Check)
  • Daytime sleepiness, no matter how much time you spend in bed  (Check)
Other common signs and symptoms of sleep apnea include:
  • Waking up with a dry mouth or sore throat  (Check)
  • Morning headaches  (Check)
  • Restless or fitful sleep  (Check)
  • Insomnia or nighttime awakenings  (Check)
  • Going to the bathroom frequently during the night  (Check)
  • Waking up feeling out of breath  (Check)
  • Forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating  (Check)
  • Moodiness, irritability, or depression  (Check)
Although I will always have to use the continuous positive airway pressure system (CPAP) it will help me physically and mentally as time passes.  Weight loss is my major goal right now so I hope my new no diet plan works.  So far not too bad.  Big bowl of oat meal with dried plums for breakfast and the Adkins shake for lunch.

Well enough mindless chat today.  Time to finish my work day.

Two things to keep in mind today:
1) My wife Rachel loves me
2) My Amanda cracks me up a lot